Share Your Story
Everyone has a story to tell – and it only takes one to inspire and provide hope to others. We invite current and past Mentor Angels and Support Seekers to share their experiences with us. Whether a story of survivorship, caregiving or remembrance, others just like you may find comfort in knowing they are not alone.
*Upon submission, Imerman Angels may reach out to you for permission to use your testimonial in promotional materials.

“It’s inspiring and helpful to speak with someone who is going through or has gone through a similar cancer journey because no one really understands cancer or what you are going through except the person who has been through it themselves. It’s difficult for others to understand the ups and downs, but another cancer patient who has been there fully understands you.”
- Kenyetta; Support Seeker

“When you first get diagnosed with cancer, you don't know what's going on, especially with all the terminology and treatments. It’s invaluable to have someone who has firsthand experience what you are going through, get things off your chest, and share concerns. Now it's been almost 4 years, and every day I still learn something new related to cancer. There’s always ups and downs, but what matters is knowing you're not alone.”
- Pedro (Tony); Mentor Angel

“My mentor was further down the journey compared to me, and he was able to validate some of the feelings such as anger and anticipatory mourning, and specifically those situations when people ask how I'm doing but really expect me to just say I'm fine since I'm not the one with the diagnosis. With a mentor, to be able to share all those feelings and thoughts was amazing. Sure they also care about my loved one and their diagnosis, but the focus was very much on me as a caregiver.”
- George; Caregiver Support Seeker

"There were questions I asked my nurse navigator and doctors about, but everything else I turned to my mentor. She has a wealth of knowledge: experience with children, marriage, navigating a career, All of the big questions I had, she could answer.”
- Rachel; Support Seeker